Stamp Out Rework

“What does “Stamp Out Rework” mean?” In the circuit assembly business, production yield is the measurement for quality. In other words, the higher the first pass yield, the better the quality of the lot. In addition, the higher the yield, the...

Process Control Strategies

Process Control Strategies Manufacturing quality into your products begins at the point when proactive process control strategies are implemented. Asking yourself the questions, “Why inspect components” and Why inspect solder paste” provides the...

Why Inspect Solder Paste?

Why Inspect Solder Paste? There are over 40 variables associated with the solder paste printing process. The key to a successful yield improvement strategy is understanding these variables and creating a proactive approach to process control. Learn why you should...

Why Inspect Components?

Why Inspect Components? Component placement inspection has become even more critical over the past decade due to package sizes getting smaller and smaller. The key to a successful yield improvement strategy is understanding these placement defects and creating a...

Resource Center

Core Technology ASC International's 3D SPI sensors utilize laser-based or structured white light technology. ASC International's AOI sensors utilize high resolution image matching and algorithm technology. Automated Optical Inspection Solder Paste Inspection ; AOI...